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Student-Athlete and Parent Handbook

Laval Liberty High School is proud to offer students and parents a choice of specialized concentration programs which meet the specific needs of our student population.

Arts Concentration Programs

Art Concentration (Sec. 3, 4 & 5)  

Music concentration (Sec. 3, 4 & 5)  

Theatre Concentration (Sec. 4 & 5) 

Sports Concentration Programs

Hockey Concentration (Sec. 3, 4 & 5)

Football Concentration (Sec. 3, 4 & 5)

Soccer Concentration (Sec. 3, 4 & 5)

These programs require that students achieve and maintain excellence in academics, arts/athletics and citizenship.  Students must maintain a minimum 75% academic average in order to continue in these programs from term to term.  Students must also demonstrate outstanding performance in their specific concentration.  Finally, students must also demonstrate and maintain outstanding citizenship.  These three criteria are the main standards which students must adhere to in order to be successful in either of our concentration programs. 

Currently, the overall academic average of our students in each of these programs is above 75%, and in some cases above 80%.  Students benefit from more time in their specific concentration subject in comparison to regular students. 

Jun '15
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Word of the Day: LISSOME
Definition: (adjective) Easily bent; supple.

Synonyms: lithe, supple, slender.

Usage: There was a grace, which no austerity could diminish, about every movement of her lissome, slender form.