Mc Caig Gladiators Hockey Club makes its DEBUT!


Rosemere- Mc Caig Elementary  School has implemented an extra-curricular ice hockey program available for all its grade 3 to 6  students during the months of February and March of this year.  Any boys and girls who sign up and desire to play the game and enjoy the game among friends and schoolmates are welcomed. Under the guidance of teacher Dan Strina, and several volunteers, the students practice and play their favourite sport early in the morning before school even starts. The students arrive at the nearby arena at 6:30 am on Tuesdays and Thursdays, ready to suit up and play. New teams are made everyday. Over 26 youngsters have signed up for this activity. They practice and play for over an hour, get changed and then get driven to school to arrive in time just before the bell.


“It’s not easy to organize myself early in the morning, I myself having two children and one participating in the activity, but with a little sacrifice and determination, just to see those kids smile, and saying thank you is all takes to make the effort. I know some parents had to rearrange their schedules to have their kids participate, but they all tell me that it was worth it. They say that their kids enjoy going to school ”, says Mr.Strina.


Students also have the privilege of receiving coaching and instructions/advice from former NHL player Stephan Matteau who graciously devotes his time on the ice. Students listen to his every word and tips given and try to improve their skating, passing and puck handling abilities. You ask the students why they enjoy coming so early in the morning, and they will answer you with a smile “ It’s fun to play the game with your  friends.”

  For some of the students, it’s an opportunity to have more ice-time, practice and acquire new skills to bring back to their own respective city hockey clubs.

  As for next year, students who sign up will have the opportunity to play and practice regularly at least once a week starting in the month of October and finishing in April. There are several elementary schools in the Montreal area that have manifested the desire for our club to join their league to play. Hopefully if all goes well, this may become a reality!!