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Mother Teresa Junior High School
2323 Daniel-Johnson Blvd, Laval
Tel. 450-686-6333 FAX:450-686-1577
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Welcome to Mother Teresa Junior High School

About Mother Teresa


Meeting functional curriculum needs in a junior high school requires team effort , creativity and flexibility. At Mother Teresa Junior High School , we desire that our middle school design fosters the unique educational and social needs of all adolescents through:

•an academically strong and enriched curriculum;
•diverse, focused exploratory programs;
•a program in which the related arts, computer, music and sports provide adequate opportunity for students involvement;
•a strong support system provided by teachers is strongly encouraged as an essential component of students welfare and an intentional collaborative effort.

These four elements are consistent with a junior high school model that emphasizes meeting individual student needs. We believe further, that this design offers many opportunities for integration of values through strategies that are essential in being creative and dynamic members of society.


Mother Teresa Junior High School caters to the young adolescent leaving elementary school. While it is true that Mother Teresa Junior High School has shared the facility with a senior high – Laurier Senor High School, Mother Teresa is a separate entity. Mother Teresa Junior High School has transportation that is separate from L.S.H.S. We also have a separate entry and departure time (we finish one period before the senior high). Mother Teresa has a separate lunch hour and our students must remain on site for the entire school day, including the lunch hour. Mother Teresa has its’ own staff, from Principal and Vice-Principal, to teachers, professional and support staff. We share the cafeteria services, the auditorium, the gym facilities and the library but at different times. At Mother Teresa Junior High School we have the best of both worlds, a “small school” and a “large school” all in one.


Parents are actively involved and participate in many activities. There is an active P.P.O. and Governing Board. Each group meets monthly for the planning of activities and organization of tasks.


Mother Teresa Junior High School offers a wide variety of activities – socio-cultural as well as sports activities. Our athletics program includes lunchtime intramural sports such as indoor soccer, basketball, badminton for both boys and girls and Interscholastic sports such as basketball and soccer.  Extra-curricular sports events include Salsa, Karate, and Handball. 

Our annual school play is the pride of Mother Teresa Junior High School, not to mention field trips and our annual field trip to  Toronto or Boston and Port-au-Saumon. We have dances organized by our active Student Council and our Leadership Students who organize our Terry Fox Walk, Movie Days, Dress Down days as well as many other activities that are part of  our everyday life at Mother Teresa Junior High School.

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