Students can enrol in any of our programs if they meet the following criteria:

1) They reside in Laval. Priority is given to Laval residents though students from outside Laval can register if they provide for their own transportation and if space is available.
2) Students meet eligibility requirements for English schooling in Quebec
3) Students meet academic requirements for the program they have selected. Ultimately, the school's administration determines whether a student is accepted.

Students and their parents should contact the school's guidance counselor, Mr. Robert Vallée, at 450-688-2911 ext. 9018 or 9025 for an appointment. Students from Laval Junior High School simply need to complete their re-registration form in February of the year when they are in secondary 2 and hand it in to their school's administration.

For more information about the registration process or for information about the school, please contact us at 450-688-2911 ext. 9000. For more information about our football program, please contact our head coach, Mr. Steve Alexandre at 450-688-2911 ext. 9036 or by email at

Click here to view our Student Athletes Handbook.

All contents copyright © 2008 Laval Liberty High School.
This website is a breakthrough production.